Putting ccache on a backed RAM disk to speed compiles

Saturday, March 16, 2024 

Why do this

Compiling and building ports can be meaningfully accelerated by caching (ccache) certain intermediate results and by moving work directories from slower media to faster (tmpfs /tmp). If you do regular builds, such as one might on a poudriere server, there can be a meaningful write workload to the working directory which uses up SSD life, possibly meaningfully (though probably not really that much if your SSD is modern and big).

If you have a fast, high endurance SSD, putting ccache on it won’t do much. If ccache is going on rotating media, this config will speed up builds appreciably. The save/restore code below will preserve the ccache across reboots and leaves file management inside the ccache directory to ccache itself, while managing the persistence of any other random files that get written outside the directory.

Note this code, different than other examples I’ve found, works with FreeBSD as a service and doesn’t flush files that are accessed (read) between reboots, only files that aren’t touched in any way and therefore can (probably) be evicted without penalty and prevents cruft and clutter on the RAM disk accumulating because it has been made non-volatile.

Putting the workdirectory into a RAM-based tmpfs should speed up builds even compared to a fast SSD, as SSD write times aren’t a strong feature of SSDs. There’s no persistence code as there’s no expectation that the work directories will persist.

Setup ccache

Setting up ccache is pretty easy. First, install it from ports. If you’re using binary packages, you obviously don’t need ccache.

cd /usr/ports/devel/ccache
make install clean


Append a few lines to your make.conf files like so:

nano /etc/make.conf
nano /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/FBSD_14-0-R-make.conf

Add the following:

# WRKDIRPREFIX="/tmp/ports"

note that WRKDIRPREFIX (to use tmpfs /tmp, see below) seems to conflict with the same directive in poudriere.conf so comment out for poudriere hosts or don’t use the option in poudriere.


nano /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf



Next, make the /ram directory and set a limit of how much RAM it can use. 12884901888 is 12GB. Somewhere between 8 and 16GB is probably sufficient for most needs. After a few builds, I was using 1.3GB.

mkdir /ram
nano /etc/fstab
none /ram tmpfs rw,size=12884901888 0 0
mount /ram


nano /root/.ccache/ccache.conf
nano /usr/local/etc/ccache.conf
cache_dir = /ram/ccache
max_size = 12G


Now all ports you build will be compiled entirely in RAM. You can check your ccache usage with:

ccache -s



This is in /etc/rc.d and should be executed on startup and shutdown, but only actual shutdown not reboot or halt. The correct command to reboot (and preserve /ram) is (you do not need to do this now!):

shutdown -r now

Don’t reboot now, just know that using “reboot” or some other command other than calling shutdown will not call the stop script and won’t sync the cache to NV storage.

Create /etc/rc.d/syncram something like:

#!/bin/sh -
# PROVIDE: syncram
# KEYWORD: nojail shutdown

. /etc/rc.subr

desc="rsync ram disk from/to var on startup/shutdown"

# rsync data from persistent storage to ram disk on boot
# preserving all file attributes
logger syncram-start
/usr/local/bin/rsync -a -A -X -U -H -x \
/var/tmp/syncram/ /ram \
> /dev/null 2>/var/log/syncram-store.log
touch /var/tmp/syncram/.lastsync

# rsync data from ramdisk to persistent storage on shutdown
# preserving all file atributes
logger syncram-stop
# if the dest dir doesn't exist, create it
if [ ! -d /var/tmp/syncram ]; then
mkdir /var/tmp/syncram
# flush any accumulated cruft that weren't accessed since the last sync
# note tmpfs records accurate atime
if [ -f /ram/.lastsync ]; then
find /ram -type f ! -neweram /var/tmp/syncram/.lastsync -delete
# rsync new or accessed removing unused from target
/usr/local/bin/rsync -a -A -X -U -H -x -m -del \
/ram/ /var/tmp/syncram \
> /dev/null 2>/var/log/syncram-restore.log

load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"
chmod +x syncram

Then edit /etc/rc.conf to include


and execute

service syncram onestart

Bonus: tmpfs for working builds

tmpfs can also be used to create a similar ramdisk at the /tmp mount point where it is fairly automatically used by poudriere to speed up builds. There’s a quirk that seems to be a problem (not fully debugged, but the config described here works and survives reboots): putting the WRKDIRPREFIX in make.conf AND in poudriere.conf seems to yield “workdirectory” errors so pick one for the directive and probably pick poudriere.conf if you’re running poudriere.


nano /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf
# Use tmpfs(5)
# This can be a space-separated list of options:
# wrkdir - Use tmpfs(5) for port building WRKDIRPREFIX
# data - Use tmpfs(5) for poudriere cache/temp build data
# localbase - Use tmpfs(5) for LOCALBASE (installing ports for packaging/testing)
# all - Run the entire build in memory, including builder jails.
# yes - Enables tmpfs(5) for wrkdir and data
# no - Disable use of tmpfs(5)
# EXAMPLE: USE_TMPFS="wrkdir data"

# How much memory to limit tmpfs size to for *each builder* in GiB
# (default: none)

# List of package globs that are not allowed to use tmpfs for their WRKDIR
# Note that you *must* set TMPFS_BLACKLIST_TMPDIR

# The host path where tmpfs-blacklisted packages can be built in.
# A temporary directory will be generated here and be null-mounted as the
# WRKDIR for any packages listed in TMPFS_BLACKLIST.

Rust may overflow even a chonky RAM config.


nano /etc/fstab
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,mode=1777 0 0

This will “intelligently” allocate remaining RAM to the tmpfs mounted at /tmp and builds should mostly happen there.

mount -a


There’s a risk that screwing around with /etc/fstab will break boot – if the system reboots to single user mode, get shell, navigate to /etc/fstab and check for errors or comment out the lines and reboot again.

Posted at 16:42:38 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDHowToTechnology

Integrate Fail2Ban with pfSense

Monday, July 13, 2020 

Fail2Ban is a very nice little log monitoring tool that is used to detect cracking attempts on servers and to extract the malicious IPs and—do the things to them—usually temporarily adding the IP address of the source of badness to the server’s firewall “drop” list so that IP’s bad packets are lost in the aether.   This is great, but it’d be cool to, instead of running a firewall on every server each locally detecting and blocking malicious actors, to instead detect across all services and servers on the LAN and push the results up to a central firewall so the bad IPs can’t reach the network at all. This is one method to achieve that goal.

NOTE: pfBlockerNG v3.2.0_3 adding a “_v4” suffix to the auto-generated IPv4 aliases.  The shell script that runs on pfSense to update the alias via pfctl should be modified to match.

I like pfSense as a firewall and run FreeBSD on my servers; I couldn’t find a prebuilt tool to integrate F2B with pfSense, but it wasn’t hard to hack something together so it worked. Basically I have F2B maintain a local “block list” of bad IPs as a simple text file which is published via Apache from where pfSense’s grabs it and applies it as a LAN-wide IP filter.  I use the pfSense package pfBlockerNG to set up the tables but in the end a custom script running on the pfSense server actually grabs the file and updates the pfSense block lists from it on a 1 minute cron job.

There are plenty of well-written guides for getting F2B working and how to configure it for jails; I found the following useful:

Note that this how-to assumes you have or can get F2B working and that you’ve got pfSense working and know how to install packages (like pfBlockerNG).  I did not find sufficient detail in any one of the above sources to make setting it up a copy-pasta experience, but in aggregate it worked out.

The basic model is:

  • Internet miscreants try to hack your site leaving clues in the log files
  • Fail2Ban combs the log files to determine which IPs are are associated with sufficiently bad (and sufficiently frequent) behavior, which is normally used to update the host’s local firewall block list, adding and removing miscreant IPs according to rules defined in .local jail scripts.
  • Instead of updating the firewall’s iptables list, a custombanaction script (see below) instead writes the IPs to a list that is published to the LAN by a web server (or to the world, if you want to share).
  • pfSense, running on a different server, is configured to pull that list of miscreant IPs into pfBlockerNG as a standard IPv4 (in my case, IPv6 is also possible) block list.
  • To get around pfBlockerNG’s too slow maximum update rate of 1 hour, a bash script runs on an every minute cron job on the pfSense server to curl the list over and update pfSense’s pfctl (packet filter control) directly, which to some extent bypasses fail2ban other than letting it maintain the aliases and stats.
  • Packets from would be evildoers evaporate at the firewall.

This model is federatable – that is sites can make their lists accessible either via authenticated (e.g. client cert or scp) or open sharing of dynamic lists. This might be a nice thing as some IP block lists have gone offline or become subscription only.  Hourly (or less frequent) updates would require only subscribing to someone’s HTTP/FTP published F2B dynamic miscreant list in pfBlockerNG or by adding bash/cron jobs to update more frequently.

I do not publish my list because it would seem to provide a bit of extra information to an attacker, but if someone with a specific IP that can be allowed wants it, I’m happy to except that IP.

The custom bits I did to get it to work with pfSense are:

Custom F2B Action

On the protected side, I modified the “dummy.conf” script to maintain a list of bad IPs as a banaction in an Apache served location that pfSense could reach.  F2B manages that list, putting bad IPs in “jail” and letting them out as in any normal F2B installation—but instead of using the local server’s packet filter as the banaction, they’re pushed to a web-published text list. This list contains any IP that F2B has jailed, whether in the SSH jail or the Apache jail or the Postfix jail or whatnot based on banactions per jail.local config. Note that until the pfSense part of the process is set up, F2B is only generating a web-published list of miscreants trying to hack your system.

# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: David Gessel
# Based on: dummy.conf by Cyril Jaquier


# Option:  actionstart
# Notes.:  command executed on demand at the first ban (or at the start of Fail2Ban if actionstart_on_demand is set to false).
# Values:  CMD

actionstart = if [ -z '<target>' ]; then
                  touch <target>
                  printf %%b "# <init>\n" <to_target>
              chmod 755 <target>
              echo "%(debug)s started"

# Option:  actionflush
# Notes.:  command executed once to flush (clear) all IPS, by shutdown (resp. by stop of the jail or this action)
# Values:  CMD

actionflush = if [ ! -z '<target>' ]; then
                  rm -f <target>
                  touch <target>
                  printf %%b "# <init>\n" <to_target>
              chmod 755 <target>
              echo "%(debug)s clear all"

# Option:  actionstop
# Notes.:  command executed at the stop of jail (or at the end of Fail2Ban)
# Values:  CMD
actionstop = if [ ! -z '<target>' ]; then
                  rm -f <target>
                  touch <target>
                  printf %%b "# <init>\n" <to_target>
             chmod 755 <target>
             echo "%(debug)s stopped"

# Option:  actioncheck
# Notes.:  command executed once before each actionban command
# Values:  CMD
actioncheck =

# Option:  actionban
# Notes.:  command executed when banning an IP. Take care that the
#          command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags:    See jail.conf(5) man page
# Values:  CMD

actionban = printf %%b "<ip>\n" <to_target>
            sed -i '' '/^$/d' <target>
            sort -u  -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 <target> -o <target>
            chmod 755 <target>
            echo "%(debug)s banned <ip> (family: <family>)"

# Option:  actionunban
# Notes.:  command executed when unbanning an IP. Take care that the
#          command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags:    See jail.conf(5) man page
# Values:  CMD

# flush the IP using grep which is supposed to be about 15x faster than sed  
# grep -v "pattern" filename > filename2; mv filename2 filename

actionunban = grep -v "<ip>" <target> > <temp>
              mv <temp> <target>
              chmod 755 <target>
              echo "%(debug)s unbanned <ip> (family: <family>)"

debug = [<name>] <actname> <target> --


init = BRT-DNSBL

target = /usr/jails/claudel/usr/local/www/data-dist/brt/dnsbl/brtdnsbl.txt
temp = <target>.tmp
to_target = >> <target>

The target has to be set for your web served environment (this would be FreeBSD default host root).  I’ve configured mine to be visible on the LAN only via .htaccess in the webserverroot/dnsbl/ directory.

AuthType Basic
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
allow from 10


Then you need to call this as a banaction for the infractions that will get miscreants blocked at pfSense, for example in ./jail.local you might modify the default ban action to be:

# Default banning action (e.g. iptables, iptables-new,
# iptables-multiport, shorewall, etc) It is used to define
# action_* variables. Can be overridden globally or per
# section within jail.local file
banaction = brtdnsbl
#banaction_allports = iptables-allports


or say in ./jail.d/sshd.local you might set

enabled   = true
filter    = sshd
banaction = brtdnsbl
maxretry  = 2
findtime  = 2d
bantime   = 30m
bantime.increment = true
bantime.factor = 2
bantime.maxtime = 10w
logpath = /var/log/auth.log


But do remember to set your ignoreip as appropriate to prevent locking yourself out by having your own IP end up on the bad guy list. You can make a multi-line ignoreip block like so:

ignoreip = ::1


That is put a leading space on continuation lines following the ignoreip directive. This isn’t documented AFAIK, so it might break, but works as of fail2ban version 0.11.2_3

Once this list is working (check by browsing to your list):

BRT DNS block list as served to the LAN

then move to the pfSense side to actually block these would be evildoers and scriptkiddies.

Set up pfBlockerNG

The basic setup of pfBlockerNG is well described, for example in and it provides a lot of useful blocking options, particularly with externally maintained lists of internationally recognized bad actors.  There are two basic functions, related but different:


Domain Name Service Block Lists are lists of domains associated with unwanted activity and blocking them at the DNS server level (via Unbound) makes it hard for application level services to reach them.  A great use of DNSBLs is to block all of Microsoft’s telemetry sites, which makes it much harder for Microsoft to steal all your files and data (which they do by default on every “free” Windows 10 install, including actually copying your personal files to their servers without telling you!  Seriously.  That’s pretty much the definition of spyware.)

It also works for non-corporate-sponsored spyware, for example lists of command and control servers found for botnets or ransomware servers.  This can help prevent such attacks by denying trojans and viruses access to their instruction servers.  It can also easily help identify infected computers on the LAN as any blocked requests are sent to what was supposed to be a null address and logged (to at the moment, which is an unfortunate choice given that is now a well-reputed DNS server like Google’s but, it seems, without all the corporate spying.)  There is a bit of irony in blocking lists of telemetry gathering IPs using lists that are built using telemetry.

Basically DNSBLs prevent services on the LAN from reaching nasty destinations on the internet by returning any DNS request to look up a malicious domain name with a dead-end IP address.  When your windows machine wants to report your web browsing habits to microsoft, it instead gets a “page not found” error.

IPBL: what this process uses to block baddies

This integration concept uses an IPBL, a list of IP addresses to block.  An IPBL works at a lower level than a DNSBL and typically is set up to block traffic in both directions—a script kiddie trying to brute force a password can be blocked from reaching the target services on the LAN, but so too can the reverse direction be blocked—if a malicious entity trips F2B, not only are they blocked from trying to reach in, so too are any sneaky services on your LAN blocked from reaching out to them on the internet.

All we need to do is get the block list F2B is maintaining into pfSense.  pfBlockerNG can subscribe to the list URL you set above easily enough just like any other IPv4 block list but the minimum update time is an hour.

My IPv4 Settings for the Fail2Ban list look like this:

BRT-Bl IPv4 Settings for pfBlockerNG import of Fail2Ban generated block list.

An hour is an awfully long time to let someone try to guess passwords or flood your servers with 404 requests or whatever else you’re using F2B to detect and stop.  So I wrote a simple script that lives on the pfSense server in the/root/custom directory (which isn’t flushed on update) and that executes a few simple commands to grab the IP list F2B maintains, do a fairly trivial grep to exclude any non-IP entries, and use it to update the packet filter drop lists via pfctl:

#!/usr/bin/env sh
# set -x # uncomment for "debug"

# Get latest block list
/usr/local/bin/curl -m 15 -s > /var/db/pfblockerng/original/BRTDNSBL.orig
# filter for at least semi-valid IPs.
/usr/bin/grep  -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' /var/db/pfblockerng/original/BRTDNSBL.orig > /var/db/pfblockerng/native/BRTDNSBL.txt
# update pf tables 
# for pfBlockerNG ≤ v3.2.0_3, omit the _v4 suffix shown below
/sbin/pfctl -t pfB_BRTblock_v4 -T replace -f /var/db/pfblockerng/native/BRTDNSBL.txt > /dev/null 2>&1

HT to Jared Davenport for helping to debug the weird /env issues that arise when trying to call these commands directly from cron with the explicit env declaration in the shebang. Uncommenting the set -x directive will generate a verbose output for debugging. Getting this script onto your server requires ssh access or console access.  If you’re adventurous it can be entered from the Diagnostics→Command Prompt tool.

Preventing Self-Lockouts at pfSense

One of the behaviors of pfBlockerNG that the dev seems to think is a feature is automatic filter order management.  This overrides manually set filter orders and will put pfB’s block filters ahead of all other filters, including, say, allow filters of your own IPs that you don’t want to ever be locked out in case you forget your passwords and accidentally trigger F2B on yourself. This will override your own reordering. If this default behavior doesn’t work for you, then use a non-default setting for IPv4 block lists and make all IP block list “action” types “Alias_Native.”

pfBlockerNG Native IP Block Lists

To use Alias_Native lists, you write your own per-pfBlockerNG alias filter (typically “drop” or “reject”) and then pfBlockerNG won’t auto-order them for you on update. We let pfBlockerNG maintain the alias list at something like pfB_BRTblock (the pfB_ prefix is added by pfBlockerNG) which we then use like any other alias in manual firewall rule:

BRT-Bl Firewall rule for pfBlockerNG import of Fail2Ban generated block list.

So the list of rules looks like this:

pfSense Filter Order

Cron Plugin

The last ingredient is to update the list on pfSense quickly.  pfSense is designed to be pretty easy to maintain so it overwrites most of the file structure on upgrade, making command line modifications frustratingly transient.  I understand that /root isn’t flushed on an upgrade so the above script should persist inside the /root directory.  But crontab -e modifications just don’t stick around.  To have cron modifications persist, install the “Cron” package with the pfSense package manager.  Then just set up a cron job to run the script above to keep the block list updated.  */1 means run the script once a minute.

pfSense Cron Config


The system seems to be working well enough; the list of miscreants as small, but effectively targeted: 11,840 packets dropped from an average of about 8-10 bad IPs at any given time.

pfBlockerNG current status

Posted at 05:48:43 GMT-0700

Category: CodeFreeBSDHowToSecurityTechnology

Lets encrypt with security/dehydrated (acme-client is dead)

Thursday, June 27, 2019 

Well….  security/acme-client is dead.  That’s sad.

Long live dehydrated, which uses the same basic authentication method and is pretty much a drop in replacement (unlike scripts which use DNS authentication, say).

In figuring out the transition, I relied on the following guides:

If you’re migrating from acme-client, you can delete it (if you haven’t already)

portmaster -e acme-client

And on to installation.  This guide is for libressl/apache24/bash/dehydrated.  It assumes you’ve been using acme-client and set it up more or less like this.

Installation of what’s needed

if you don’t have bash installed, you will. You can also build with ZSH but set the config before installing.

cd /usr/ports/security/dehydrated && make install clean && rehash


portmaster security/dehydrated

This guide also uses sudo, if it isn’t installed:

cd /usr/ports/security/sudo && make install clean && rehash


portmaster /security/sudo

Set up directories and accounts

mkdir -p /var/dehydrated
pw groupadd -n _letsencrypt -g 443
pw useradd -n _letsencrypt -u 443 -g 443 -d /var/dehydrated -w no -s /nonexistent
chown -R _letsencrypt /var/dehydrated

If migrating from acme-client this should be done but:

mkdir -p -m 775 /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge
chgrp _letsencrypt /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge

# If migrating from acme-client

chmod 775 /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge
chown -R _letsencrypt /usr/local/www/.well-known

Configure Dehydrated

ee /usr/local/etc/dehydrated/config


014 DEHYDRATED_USER=_letsencrypt

017 DEHYDRATED_GROUP=_letsencrypt

044 BASEDIR=/var/dehydrated

056 WELLKNOWN="/usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge"

065 OPENSSL="/usr/local/bin/openssl"


save and it should run:

su -m _letsencrypt -c 'dehydrated -v'

You should get roughly the following output:

# INFO: Using main config file /usr/local/etc/dehydrated/config
Dehydrated by Lukas Schauer

Dehydrated version: 0.6.2
GIT-Revision: unknown

OS: FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p6
Used software:
bash: 5.0.7(0)-release
curl: curl 7.65.1
awk, sed, mktemp: FreeBSD base system versions
grep: grep (GNU grep) 2.5.1-FreeBSD
diff: diff (GNU diffutils) 2.8.7
openssl: LibreSSL 2.9.2

File adjustments and scripts

by default it will read /var/dehydrated/domains.txt for the list of domains to renew

Migrating from acme-client? Reuse your domains.txt, the format is the same.

mv /usr/local/etc/acme/domains.txt /var/dehydrated/domains.txt

Create the deploy script:

ee /usr/local/etc/dehydrated/

The following seems to be sufficient


/usr/local/sbin/apachectl graceful

and make executable

chmod +x /usr/local/etc/dehydrated/

Give the script a try:


This will test your apache config and that the script is properly set up.

There’s a bit of a pain in the butt in as much as the directory structure for the certs changed. My previous guide would put certs at /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/, this puts them at /var/dehydrated/certs/

Check the format of your certificate references and use/adjust as needed. This worked for me – note you can set your key locations to be the same in the config file, but the private key directory structure does change between acme-client and dehydrated.

sed -i '' "s|/usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/|/var/dehydrated/certs/|" /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Or if using httpd-ssl.conf

sed -i '' "s|/usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/|/var/dehydrated/certs/|" /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

And privkey moves from /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/private/ to /var/dehydrated/certs/ so….

sed -i '' "s|/var/dehydrated/certs/private/|/var/dehydrated/certs/|" /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

# or

sed -i '' "s|/var/dehydrated/certs/private/|/var/dehydrated/certs/|" /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Git sum certs

su -m _letsencrypt -c 'dehydrated --register --accept-terms'

Then get some certs

su -m _letsencrypt -c 'dehydrated -c'

-c is “chron” mode which is how it will be called by periodic.

and “deploy”


If you get any errors here, track them down.

Verify your new certs are working

cd /var/dehydrated/certs/
openssl x509 -noout -in fullchain.pem -fingerprint -sha256

Load the page in the browser of your choice and view the certificate, which should show the SHA 256 fingerprint matching what you got above.  YAY.

Automate Updates

ee /etc/periodic.conf

insert the following


note the flag is –keep-going (-g) Keep going after encountering an error while creating/renewing multiple certificates in cron mode

Posted at 11:38:45 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDSecurityTechnology

Getting the postfixadmin 3.2 update to work with FreeBSD

Monday, September 17, 2018 

Postfixadmin is a very nice tool for managing a mail server via a nice web interface that just went through an update to add some security and compatibility features, but at the current revision there are a few bugs (the maintainer says these will all be cleared up in the next release).  A few work-arounds:

If you get:

pkg-static: Unable to access file /var/ports/usr/ports/mail/postfixadmin/work/stage/usr/local/share/postfixadmin/ such file or directory 

Then run

 # make config

and enable DOCS.

If you get

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'PharException' with message 'phar "/usr/local/www/postfixadmin/lib/random_compat.phar" openssl signature could not be verified: openssl not loaded' in /usr/local/www/postfixadmin/lib/random_compat.phar:8\nStack trace:\n#0 /usr/local/www/postfixadmin/lib/random_compat.phar(8): Phar::webPhar(NULL, 'index.php')\n#1 /usr/local/www/postfixadmin/common.php(72): require_once('/usr/local/www/...')\n#2 /usr/local/www/postfixadmin/public/common.php(2): require_once('/usr/local/www/...')\n#3 /usr/local/www/postfixadmin/public/setup.php(27): require_once('/usr/local/www/...')\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /usr/local/www/postfixadmin/lib/random_compat.phar on line 8

There’s a dependency that’s not built into the makefile yet.


 # portmaster security/php56-openssl

(adjust the PHP version to match, or the install command to suit your environment).  Remember to run # apachectl restart.

Also note that the directory the code is served from has been moved to the subdirectory /public for security. This may require updating URLs, DocumentRoot, or modrewrite as appropriate to the webserver environment to get to the login page.

After updating, navigate to public/upgrade.php to update the database automatically.

And because this is open source and not some horrible closed source product, it took a whole 2 hours for a fix.


Posted at 02:20:58 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSD

Rubygem passenger flavors in FreeBSD

Saturday, February 3, 2018 

The latest bit of code to adopt the trendy new “flavors” model is passenger.  As “flavors” aren’t supported in Portmaster, this means the transition results in errors  like:

/bin/rmdir /var/ports/usr/ports/www/rubygem-passenger/work-apache/stage/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4/extensions 2> /dev/null || true
( cd /var/ports/usr/ports/www/rubygem-passenger/work-apache/passenger-5.1.12 &&  /bin/sh -c '(/usr/bin/find -Ed $1 $3 | /usr/bin/cpio -dumpl $2 >/dev/null 2>&1) &&  /usr/bin/find -Ed $1 $3 \(   -type d -exec /bin/sh -c '\''cd '\''$2'\'' && chmod 755 "$@"'\'' . {} +  -o -type f -exec /bin/sh -c '\''cd '\''$2'\'' && chmod 0644 "$@"'\'' . {} + \)' COPYTREE_SHARE buildout /var/ports/usr/ports/www/rubygem-passenger/work-apache/stage/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4/gems/passenger-5.1.12 )
find: buildout: No such file or directory
find: buildout: No such file or directory

You can make with flavors manually or (assuming your current version is 5.1.12, adjust as needed):

# portmaster -o www/rubygem-passenger rubygem-passenger-5.1.12
Posted at 04:58:54 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDTechnology

Let’s Encrypt….

Sunday, December 10, 2017 

Let’s encrypt, why not?

Wanna know how I did it for FreeBSD/Apache/acme-client, jump below.

Let’s encrypt is a service from the fine people at Mozilla, who, when they’re not trying to prove that Firefox can be a Chrome clone, do some really good stuff. Certificates are what give you the little warm fuzzy feeling of a green lock icon, and when properly configured, avoid giving you that terrifying feeling that something horrible is about to happen if you visit a site with an expired one or a self-signed one.

There are some huge structural problems in the certificate concept that seem to exist only to validate the certificate mafia, that can charge $100s per year for a validated certificate, as if executing the script to issue one was somehow expensive. It is not, you can generate one yourself that provides exactly the same security as one provided by a big company that gets their root certs distributed in a browser, but browsers reject these with scary messages so webmasters have to keep buying them.

Now there’s a theory behind why they’re ripping you off: the premise is that the certificate verifies the site is who it says it is – that if you go to, you’re actually visiting your real bank, not being redirected by a man-in-the-middle attack to some fake landing page to harvest your passwords, log into your account, and steal all your cats.  There are a few problems with this:

  • Nobody actually checks a URL so while a certificate sort of adds some weight to the probability that is owned by mybank, not some hacker a few tables over ARP poisoning the cafe wifi, it doesn’t do anything if you click on a link to
  • The companies that claim to check IDs and verify owners, do not.  That would cost money. You think they’re gonna actually do that?  No… (CAcert actually does, but they don’t get a root cert because… they do it for free. And don’t have Mozilla’s money and clout.)
  • Stealing a root cert private key can generate significant LOLZ; it happens a lot.
  • Law enforcement the world over has “lawful intercept” certs.  You’re probably on some country’s poop list if you have ever used social media. Their laws permit intercepting your communications.  Some country’s laws somewhere certainly do no matter who you are.
  • But dang, those annoying warnings that do nothing to secure you mean that people who publish a website just for the good of the planet either have to pay up, go through a lot of hassle, or leave their user’s content streams exposed to the world’s prying eyes…

…Until Let’s Encrypt came along.  It is a lovely little set of tools and services that not only issue browser-accepted certs (see the green lock?) but also automate renewal.  They basically check that you have enough control over your website to let a script write a file that that they can read back and verify, and if so, you’re who you say you are: the person with write access to the server powering the website they’re giving the certificate too.  That’s all anyone can really do, and is as secure as any other cert there is for identification of a site: that is except for stolen certs, url typos, law enforcement certs, or malicious code on your computer, if you visit and you don’t get any warnings, you’re probably reading data coming off my computer and not some hacker pretending to be me.

I got Let’s Encrypt to work, but it took some modifications of the existing guides, and I think the service is a good thing that more people should use, so in the spirit of investing some of my resources into the great shared experiment that is Open Source, here’s my How To:

Upstream Guides:

I found these two guides extremely helpful.

Step 1: Installing the certificate generation tool

There are a few different software tools to manage the Let’sEncrypt process.  I elected to use Kristaps Dzonsons acme-client, ported to FreeBSD by Bernard Spil.

I was using OpenSSL on my site.  Bernard and Kristaps have some strong opinions on OpenSSL and heartbleed and a few other problems and therefore require LibreSSL.   If you’re using it already, great.  If not, you’ll have to install it.  It wasn’t too terrible, but I ran into a few issues:
Or, easy peasy

ee /etc/make.conf
 -> set DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=libressl
portmaster -od security/libressl security/openssl
portmaster -rd security/libressl

if that fails with

===>>> The argument to -r must be a package name, or a glob pattern

Then try:

pkg version -v | grep libre
  libressl-2.6.3 = up-to-date with index
portmaster -rd libressl-2.6.3
# or for a complete refresh
portmaster -Rafd

Curl will probably fail with LibreSSL (and with the latest, if it has brotli support enabled).  Check the google to see if these fixes are still needed, or just:

# cd /usr/ports/ftp/curl
# make config

disable TLS-SRP

ftp/curl 7.75.0 has an issue with pied piper brotli, which requires modifying the makefile to build --without-brotli as indicated in comment #2 

(Sunpoet, the curl port maintainer, got back to me with an update: when PR/223966 is integrated in Brotli, he will add an optional Brotli support flag and it should work fine at that point without the Makefile edit.)

Step 2: Actually installing acme-client

The really easy part: you should be able to

# portmaster security/acme-client

and be on your way to configuration heaven.

Step 3: Initial configuration

The defaults for acme-client expect certain directories to exist and the installer doesn’t create them.

# mkdir -pm750 /usr/local/www/.well-known && chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/.well-known
# mkdir -pm750 /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge && chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge

The how-to’s seemed to forget the last one.

And make a modification to your httpd.conf file to permit the Let’s Encrypt servers to have access to these folders:

# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

add the following:

# Lets Encrypt challenge directory configured per 
<Directory "/usr/local/www/.well-known/">
        Options None
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted
        Header add Content-Type text/plain

And, for each VHOST that is going to get a cert:

# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

add to each non-ssl VHOST definition the following:

Alias /.well-known/ /usr/local/www/.well-known/

such that you end up with something like (yours may be different, especially watch out for BasicAuth or ModRewrite, addressed further down):

<VirtualHost IP.NU.MB.ER:80>
    DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/data-dist/domain-root
    ServerAlias *
    Alias /.well-known/ /usr/local/www/.well-known/
    ErrorLog /var/log/domain-error_log
    CustomLog /var/log/domain-access_log combined
    ScriptAlias /cgi-prg /www/cgi-prg

Don’t forget!

# apachectl restart

Step 4: First Try

At this point the system should be configured sufficiently to do a trial run with a single domain from the command line. Later on there are some scripts that will automate the process of both converting a large number of VHOSTed domains on a server to Let’s Encrypt and for maintaining them and getting email notifications if anything goes wrong in the, hopefully, fully automatic renewal process.

acme-client -mvnNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge

This should create all the directories still needed and populate them, then check with the lets encrypt server and get a certificate and install it in the right place.  Inshalla.

If you get something like

acme-client: transfer buffer: [{ "type": "urn:acme:error:malformed","detail": "Provided agreement URL[]does not match current agreement URL[]","status": 400 }] (267 bytes)

That means the lets encrypt agreement has changed.  You can’t do much but write the port maintainer or wait for an update.  It will get fixed quickly and should only happen once a year.  I don’t think you’ll get it at all unless you’re unlucky enough to try to update when it is changing.  I was.

More likely you’ll get something like

acme-client: transfer buffer: [{ "type": "http-01", "status": "invalid", "error": { "type": "urn:acme:error:unauthorized", "detail": "Invalid response from : (etc...)

This means there’s a problem accessing the /.well-known/ directory by the server.  There can be a lot of reasons for this:

  • You didn’t restart apache # apachectl restart
  • There was an error in the config file (look at the output of the restart) and therefore apache didn’t actually reaload with your new config.
  • DNS isn’t pointing where you think it is pointing.  Check with nslookup/whois to make sure.  Really.
  • You have the directories protected in some way – like with .htaccess.  (see below)

But if it goes well, you’ll get something like:

acme-client: /usr/local/etc/acme/ account key exists (not creating)
acme-client: /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/private/ domain key exists (not creating)
acme-client: : directories
acme-client: DNS:
acme-client: DNS: 2001:418:142b:290::3d5
acme-client: DNS: 2001:418:142b:28d::3d5
acme-client: : req-auth:
acme-client: /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge/_ffVe6jHNHbIG1XKAeoqQmmtryWMGCKsfHIWWkl5lJw: created
acme-client: : challenge
acme-client: : status
acme-client: : certificate
acme-client: full chain
acme-client: DNS:
acme-client: DNS:
acme-client: DNS: 2001:5a8:100::b817:9fb0
acme-client: DNS: 2001:5a8:100::b817:9fb1
acme-client: /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/ created
acme-client: /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/ created

Yay, you’ve got certs!  Now update your vhosts file to point to the certs you just created.  You may need to add a 443 container or, if it exists, update it to point to the new certs and restart apache.

# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
<VirtualHost IP.NU.MB.ER:443>
      DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/domainroot
      SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/
      SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/private/
      SSLCertificateChainFile /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/
      Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
      ErrorLog /var/log/domain-error_log
      CustomLog /var/log/domain-access_log combined

save and restart, look for any errors (typos on directory paths etc. will be detected and apache won’t restart, but be aware, it won’t quit either).

# apachectl restart
 Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
 Syntax OK
 Stopping apache24.
 Waiting for PIDS: 81160.
 Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
 Syntax OK
 Starting apache24.

Navigate to and check out your new green lock.  Check security and you should find:


Acme-Client Options

# man acme-client has all the deets, but we’re using:

  • -m to append the domain name to paths, use this and always use it or never.
  • -v for verbose output so we can see what is going on.
  • -n to check if an account key exists and create if not (no reason to omit)
  • -N to check if a domain key exists and create if not (also no reason to omit)
  • -C to specify the path to the challenge dir.  These guides all assume a centralized challenge dir outside the main serving path, and to which we redirect via an alias directive.
  • -F which forces the recreation of certs even if they haven’t expired (this counts against your 10 per 3 hours limit)
  • -s which redirects the process to the Let’s Encrypt staging server, which has no volume limits but also doesn’t create certs browsers accept.  (Using this is fine, but requires cleanup to switch to the production server, see below)
  • -e which is used to add a SAN to the certificate.  Removing one is a bit more involved (see below).

Automating Registration

Lets say you have a lot of domains, you might want to automate the process.  I modified the renewal script to automate the registration process.  This saved some time, but one quirk is you can only register 10 domains (certificates, including SANs, basically 10 lines of the domains list) per 3 hours (they say-I found it takes more like 12 hours to be allowed to register more).

First create  a file with all the domains you want to register for a Let’s Encrypt certificate in the same format as the renewal script uses (it can be the same file, but I made it different as I was experimenting)

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/newdomains.txt 

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/


# This script was adapted by Richard Fassett from
# by Bernard Spil
# See
# and updated again from richard fassett's script at
# this requires a file called /usr/local/etc/acme/newdomains.txt of the format
# domain.tld sub.domain.tld alt.domain.tld
# domain2.tld 
# domaind3.tld sub.domain3.tld 
# etc
# This should only be run to bulk-add domains.

# Define location of dirs and files

# Loop through the newdomains.txt file with lines like
cat ${DOMAINSFILE} | while read domain subdomains ; do

  # Create the cert directory with the command
  # acme-client -mvnNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge (domain subdomains)
  acme-client -mvnN -C "${CHALLENGEDIR}" ${domain} ${subdomains}


# chmod +x /usr/local/etc/acme/

A few fixes/recoveries that might be useful at this point: add SAN, remove SAN, switch from staging to production Let’s Encrypt servers.

Automation can break things, you might find you adjusted a few domains incorrectly or want to add a SAN later.

If you need to redo a domain from scratch, for example if you use the “s” option which created a cert from the staging server that doesn’t have volume limits (maybe you’re testing a lot of domains or trying to debug a particularly tricky .htaccess or DNS condition) – you might create a domain with acme-client -mvnsNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge and then want to generate the production cert.  You also need to do this to remove a SAN.  If you try without deleting the directories, you’ll get something like unknown SAN entry. (You replace “” with your domain.)

# setenv DD
# rm -r /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/private/$DD && rm -r /usr/local/etc/acme/$DD && rm -r /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/$DD && acme-client -mvnFNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge $DD www.$DD

If you need to add a new SAN to an existing domain

acme-client -mvneFNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge

it is the -e that “extends” the certificate.

Step 5: Automating Renewal

You might notice that the duration of the certificate is rather short: 3 months.  You really don’t want to be responding to certificate expired errors every 3 months, so let’s automate the renewal process.  For this you can create two files and store them on your server.  One is the renewal script itself and the other is a list of domains to renew.  This assumes you have more than one domain.  If you only have one domain, this is a bit overkill, but it will work, so why not?  You might get more domains in the future.   Everyone does.

First create a file with your list of domains, call it something creative like “domains.txt”  This is really a certificate request list with the “primary” domain and Subject Alternative Names (SANs) each on a single line.  In theory the SANs can be all over the place and Let’s Encrypt allows up to 100 per certificate (quite a lot), so the implication of “domains.txt” naming is a bit inaccurate, but that’s what everyone is using so we won’t be contrary.  You have to make sure that all the subdomains resolve—the Let’s Encrypt servers are going to look them up via DNS and if there aren’t working entries, this will fail with one of the errors above.  Check first.  I have not tested whether, if for example, you own,, and and they all point to the same directory, you can use one cert with different TLDs (or domains) as SANs; you should be able to, but I didn’t try.

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/domains.txt

Now that you’ve saved that, the following script is adapted from a few at the references listed above and works on my server.  I made a few adjustments and corrections (there was a name change for acme-client which hasn’t quite propagated through all the HowTos yet).

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/

# This script was adapted from by Bernard Spil
# See
# ... and further modified by David Gessel  
# This script will fail if the directories haven't been set up and
# domains in domain.txt have been successfully verified

# Define location of dirs and files

# is changed to 1 if any domains expired and were renewed

# Loop through the domains.txt file with lines like
cat ${DOMAINSFILE} | while read domain subdomains ; do

    # acme-client returns RC=2 when certificates 
    # weren't changed; use set +e to capture the return code
    set +e
    # Renew the key and certs if required
    acme-client -mvb -C "${CHALLENGEDIR}" ${domain} ${subdomains}
   # now that we have the return code, set script to exit if 
   # nonzero is returned
   set -e

   # if anything is expired, we'll want to do something 
   # (e.g., restart HTTPS)
   if [ $RC -ne 2 ] ; then

if [ "$CHECKEXPIRATION" -ne "0" ] ; then
        service apache24 restart

# chmod +x /usr/local/etc/acme/

This works quite well and will walk through your domains and renew as needed.

I have 36 domain/certificate lines in my “domains.txt” file and timing this script it takes 2.13 seconds to execute on my server.  There’s no real problem running it every night and if you have a lot of domains, you should remember you can only get 10 certs at a time and they won’t renew for about a week before expiry, a limitation I ran into in the bulk setup process.  You can spread your domain renewals out over the three months by force renewing blocks of them if you have more than about 60 per server.

You probably want to automate the process as a cron job. But before we do, lets address one more little problem: one of the shortcomings of the script process below is that the output messages of the script are output to stdout and only cron’s stderr is emailed to the admin. If your shell environment is wrong or the path to the script is wrong, cron will tell you, but if your domains don’t resolve or the script can’t reach /.well-known/, you will not get any warnings. That’s might be a bummer. So I redirect the output of the script to a log file. It gets overwritten with each execution, so it doesn’t need to be rotated – it is just the output of the last execution. It should be filled with lines including “adding SAN” (which it tells you for each domain) and “certificate valid” which it tells you for each cert that doesn’t need to be renewed. But it might tell you something else, like it barfed trying to reach the /.well-known/ directory because, say, you messed around with .htaccess or forgot to renew your domain and it is being redirected to parking or something. The following script first checks to see if there are any lines in /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew other than the expected, and if so, emails just those lines. You shouldn’t get anything until renewal time or if there’s an error. If you don’t care about renewal notices, you can edit the script to ignore those too.

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/

# this script scans the log file created by the renewal execution cron job
# then removes any lines containing "adding SAN" or "certificate valid", which
# are normal messages, and mails whatever is left over using the "mail" command
# check full paths (or use relative) but full paths can avoid some errors
# use "# which grep" and "# which mail" on your system to check.


/usr/bin/grep -v "adding SAN" /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew | \
/usr/bin/grep -v "certificate valid" | /usr/bin/cat | \
{ while read status

  if [ "$PROBLEM" -ne "0" ] ; then
        /usr/bin/grep -v "adding SAN" /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew | \
        /usr/bin/grep -v "certificate valid" | \
        /usr/bin/mail -s "Lets Encrypt Errors" $1

# chmod +x /usr/local/etc/acme/

My cron configuration is set up as

# crontab -e

#*     *     *   *    *        command to be executed
#-     -     -   -    -
#|     |     |   |    |
#|     |     |   |    +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
#|     |     |   +------- month (1 - 12)
#|     |     +--------- day of        month (1 - 31)
#|     +----------- hour (0 - 23)
#+------------- min (0 - 59)

# expanded path
# Let's Encrypt renewal check
*       3       *       *       *        /usr/local/etc/acme/ > & /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew
*       4       *       *       *        /usr/local/etc/acme/

Note that this requires that mail works. On servers that aren’t serving email, I use SSMTP and configured it more or less following this guide and and this especially the tip about using # chpass to change the default Full Name for root from “Charlie &” to something useful like “ServerName Root.”

You can test the mail function by adding a random word (or domain) to your domains.txt file and then executing

# /usr/local/etc/acme/ > & /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew
# /usr/local/etc/acme/

If everything is set up right, you’ll get an email complaining about your random word not being valid.  If you restore the correct domains.txt file and execute the above two commands you should not get an email at all.

# more /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew

should show only lines with “adding SAN” and “certificate valid” in them. If you execute # /usr/local/etc/acme/ you shouldn’t get any message.

.htaccess Problems

If you’re controlling access to a directory or have some non-HTML style process listening, you might run into challenges giving the Let’s Encrypt server access to the /.well-known/ directory.  I found the following formulation worked:

AuthType Basic
     AuthName "Please login."
     AuthUserFile "/xxx/.htpasswd"
     # the directive below also "requires" that the requested URL include /.well-known/
        Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/.well-known/.*#
        Require valid-user

Basically the script above allows (requires) a “valid-user” (one with an entry in the AuthUserFile and valid matching password) and also requires (allows) a URL that is going to /.well-known/ and subdirectories thereof.  This also works in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf and /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

modRewrite to HTTPS problems

You can also create problems by rewriting to HTTPS.  You might want to do this now that you have certs that will auto-renew and you can provide a secure experience for everyone.   In order to get to the /.well-known/ directory, you have to add an exception to the mod-write rule for traffic to this subdirectory like so:

	RewriteEngine on
           RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well\-known/acme\-challenge/
	RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
            RewriteRule (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R=301,L]

Also, if you redirect on a 404, some formulations cause problems. This one does not seem to:

ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

Posted at 06:43:58 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDHowToSecurityTechnology

10 Gbyte Win10 Spyware “upgrade” now forced on users

Sunday, September 27, 2015 

Microsoft has, historically, done some amazingly boneheaded things like clippy, Vista, Win 8, and Win 10.  They have one really good product: Excel, otherwise everything they’ve done has succeeded only through illegal exploitation of an aggressively defended monopoly. OK, maybe the Xbox is competitive, but I’m not much of a gamer.

Sadly for the world, the model of selling users for profit to advertisers and spies has gained ground to the point where Microsoft was starting to look like the least evil major entity in closed-source computing.  Poor microsoft.  To lose the evil crown must be at least as humiliating as their waning revenue and abject failures in the mobile space (so strange… try to enter a space where they don’t have a monopoly to force users to accept their mediocre crap and they fail, who’da thunk it?)

“There is a difference between policy and practice. We don’t read customers mail. We don’t read customer documents. We don’t triangulate YouTube views and searches. We don’t use the content of your Hotmail to target ads in Bing,”

Frank Shaw, Corporate Vice President of Corporate Communications for Microsoft

Well, never fear: Windows 10 is here and they’re radically one-upping the data theft economy by p0wning not just the data you idiotically entrust to someone else’s server for free without ever considering why they’re giving you that useful service for “free” or what they, or whoever buys their ultimately failed business, might do with your data, but also the data you consider too sensitive for the Google or the Apple.  Windows 10 exfiltrates all your data to Microsoft for their use and profit without your information.  Don’t believe it? Read their Privacy Statement.

Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary.

And it is free (as in beer but not as in speech).  What could possiblay go wrong?

Well, people weren’t updating fast enough so Microsoft is now pushing that update on you involuntarily.  Do you have a data cap that a 10G download might break and cost you money?  So what!  Your loss!  Don’t have enough space on your drive for a 10G hidden folder of crapware foisted off on you without your permission?  Tough crap, Microsoft don’t care.

To be clear, Windows 10 is spyware.  If this was coming from a teenage hacker somewhere, they’d be facing jail time.  It is absolutely, unequivocally malware that will create a liability for you if you use it.  If you have any confidentiality requirement, you must not install windows 10.  Ever. Not even on your home machine.  Just don’t.

The only way to prevent this is really annoying and a little risky: disable automatic downloads.  One of the problems with Microsoft’s operating systems is the unbelievably crappy spaghetti code that results in a constant flow of cracks, a week’s worth are patched every Tuesday.  About 1 serious vulnerability every fortnight these days (note this is about the same as Ubuntu and about 1/4 the rate of OSX or iOS, why people think Apple products are “secure” is beyond me – live in that fantasy walled garden!  But nice logo you paid a 50% premium for on your shiny device). Not patching increases the risk that some hacker somewhere will steal your datas, but patching guarantees that Microsoft will steal your datas.  Keep your anti-virus up to date and live a little dangerously by keeping Microsoft out.

Here’s an interesting article: how-to-clean-the-windows-10-crapware-off-your-windows-7-or-81-pc

And a tool referenced in that article: GWX control panel (that can help remove the windows 10 infection if you got it).

And a list of patches I found that are related to Win10 malware that you can remove if you haven’t installed it yet (Windows 10 eliminates the ability to choose or selectively remove patches, once you’re in for the ride, you’re chained in: all or nothing.)

Basic advice:

  • Disable automatic updates and automatic downloads of updates.
  • Review each update Microsoft offers.  This is tedious, my win 7 install reports 384 updates, 5-10 a week, but other than security patches, you probably don’t really need them.  Only install a patch if there’s a reason.  Sorry, that sucks, but there’s always Linux Mint: free like beer AND free like speech.
  • If you’re still on Win 7/8, uninstall the spyware Microsoft has probably already installed.  If you’re on Windows 8, you probably want to upgrade to Windows 7 if at all possible.
  • If you succumbed to the pressure and became a Microsoft Product by installing Windows 10, uninstall it.
  • If uninstall doesn’t work, switch to Mint or reinstall 7.

Most importantly, if you develop software for servers or for end users, stop developing for Microsoft (and Apple too).  Respect the privacy of your customers by not exposing them to exploitation by desperate operating system vendors.  In many classes of applications, your customers buy their computers to run your software: they don’t care what operating system it requires – that should be transparent and painless.  Microsoft is no longer an even remotely acceptable choice.  Server applications should run under FreeBSD or OpenBSD and desktop applications should run under Linux.  You can charge more and generate more profit because the total net cost for your customers will be lower.  Split the difference and give them a more reliable, more secure, and lower cost environment and make more money doing so.

Posted at 08:07:54 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDHowToLinuxSecurityTechnology

Microsoft Spyware Now Being Installed On Win 7

Monday, August 24, 2015 

If you’re the sort of person who isn’t entirely happy about the idea of Microsoft claiming the right to copy your personal files, photos, emails, chat logs, diary entries, medical records, etc over to their own servers to sell to whoever they want for whatever they can get for your personal data – into markets that already exist for insurance companies to deny you insurance based on algorithmic analysis of your habits or your friends habits or for financial institutions to set your interest rates based on similar criterion, or perhaps even for law enforcement to investigate you without a warrant, then OBVIOUSLY you would never, ever install Windows 10 under any circumstances.

Well, Microsoft seems to have fully jumped on the Google/Facebook gravy train and is now completely invested in stealing your data and selling it to the highest bidder (Apple has been exfiltrating your data for a long time, but so far for internal use).  I’ve become more suspect of Microsoft’s updates since they made the Windows 10 advertisement an important (not optional) update (important for what? their bottom line, obviously).  Turns out that the latest updates to Windows 7 are pushing Microsoft’s new business model of stealing your data for profit to Windows 7 and 8.

Staying safe is going to require ever more vigilance.  It may be possible to block windows components from reaching out to microsoft’s servers at the personal firewall level and certainly it can be done at the corporate firewall level (and should be), but blocking Microsoft is a somewhat complex issue.  You can’t run Windows safely without installing security patches because the underlying OS is so completely insecure that new, critical, exploitable flaws are discovered every single week.  If you don’t constantly patch these security failures, you will be hacked by people other than microsoft.  If you install the wrong microsoft patch, you will be hacked by microsoft.  Debian anyone? Also, software developers developing enterprise software, please, please, please stop developing for that horrible, insecure, performance hobbling abomination of a tarted-up single-user OS “Server” and focus on a secure, stable server OS like FreeBSD.  Please.  I hate, hate having to fork over $1k to microsoft for each box to run their horrible OS just so I can run your software.  Why do you support that extortion? Do you despise your customers that much? Stop.

If you care about corporate governance and data security or HIPAA compliance, you are probably violating some critical requirements by installing windows 10 or these new updates to your existing Win7/8 base if you do not block data exfiltration to Microsoft’s servers.  This is spyware.  These updates are stealing your data and sending it to Microsoft.  If your business is subject to data privacy laws, these updates put you in violation of those laws.  Microsoft is doing something that is extremely significant and extremely evil and completely wrong.  Take action or you may very well be facing personal or corporate consequences.  srsly.

I am a strong believer in data privacy and extremely suspect of what I consider highly disingenuous business practices like Google’s but I recognize that there are reasonable people out there who think Google isn’t evil.  However, this windows 10 issue, now being pushed to windows 7, goes well beyond Google taking advantage of people’s historical assumptions about the security of email to offer them a free look-alike honey trap to gather their data.  Windows 10 and these Win 7 updates are intrusive, not merely misleading.  Do not update.  Srsly.  Do not update.  Block the spyware “hotfixes.”

Stop Gap Fixes

In researching these updates, I came across this article on techworm that has a nice summary of the Malware updates Microsoft is pushing out (with some additional amendments I found):

With a whiff of irony, this google search “telemetry site:” shows these patches and many more…

Do not automatically install Microsoft updates.  You must turn that feature off or you will keep getting additional spyware installed.  Go to windows update and verify your settings.  I have mine set so windows downloads the updates (so the updates are waiting locally), but I don’t let windows install them automatically.  That gives me a chance to review the updates and look for spyware.


When you get updates, you now have to check each one of them to find out if it is spyware or not.  The list above is current as far as I know, but clicking on the “more information” link to the right of the updates list will get you microsoft’s marketing speak obfuscation of the true purpose.  Any update that “adds telemetry points” or something like that is spyware.  Uncheck the install and hide the update.  Note that some of these were moved from “optional” to “important.”  Microsoft is absolutely intent on stealing your data and is taking some pretty underhanded steps to make it difficult for you to avoid it.



If updates get past you or it turns out later that a seemingly important or innocuous update was spyware (the fun part is that you now have to be vigilant and look all this stuff up), then you can uninstall them from the “installed updates” control panel.


Work to be done

I’ll start looking into firewall settings to block communication to microsoft’s servers.  This is a standard anti-malware technique and should work here, except that microsoft has so many servers it is more challenging to block them than your typical malware botnet.

We need something like a variant of Peer Guardian to block microsoft’s servers using the standard P2P crowd-sourcing model to keep the list up to date. I’m not aware of anything like this yet, but I’m looking.  Microsoft has become more of an enemy to privacy than the RIAA ever was.

UPDATE:  this superuser answer includes a list of telemetry endpoints to block at your firewall or router.  Alternatively you can edit your hosts file and add these entries from DSL reports.

Larger Significance

This shift in business focus by Microsoft from providing a product people are willing to pay for to stealing data from people to sell on the commercial market has some significant lessons for the entire software model.

It isn’t just that Microsoft is now adopting Google’s business model of giving away “free” goodies as traps to collect product (you) to sell to the highest bidder, but that the model of corporate trust that underpins most of the security assumptions the internet is built on is manifestly false and unsustainable.  If any hacker tried to create these spyware updates, locked-down computers that only install signed code would refuse to install them.  Ignoring for the moment that the signed code model is idiotically flawed as signing keys are stolen all the time, this microsoft spyware is properly signed with legitimate keys.  It will be installed on locked down computers without complaint and will not show up in commercial anti-virus software.  But it is spyware.  It contains keyloggers and extremely productive data exfiltration code that is currently copying wholesale data dumps from unfortunate victims to Microsoft’s servers in such volume that their data caps are being hit.

If a non-commercial third party (e.g. “hacker”) did this, they’d be prosecuted.  It makes no difference to you that your data is being stolen by Microsoft rather than by some clever teenager in a former eastern block country: your data is being stolen.  But the model that has been promoted, a model of centralized corporate trust to validate the “security” of your system has been utterly and irrevocably shattered.  This isn’t an accident, isn’t something that better data management might have prevented, this is an intentional ex post facto rewrite of the usual, customary, and regular assumptions we have about the privacy of our computer systems and one that significantly impacts the security of almost everyone in the world: military, medical, legal, fiduciary, as well as personal.

And even if you trust Microsoft (for whatever bizarre, irrational reason), Microsoft is creating a whole series of security holes in their already crappy and insecure operating system that will be exploited by third parties.  By adding keyloggers and data exfiltration tools to the core OS, they’re making it even easier for non-corporate hackers to jump on the data theft gravy train. Everyone profits but you. You lose.

Posted at 04:19:18 GMT-0700

Category: PrivacyTechnology

Disk Checks for Large Arrays

Friday, August 21, 2015 

If you have a large array of disks attached to your server, which is obviously going to be running FreeBSD or OpenBSD if you care about security, stability, and scalability; there are some tricks for dealing with large numbers of disks (like having 227 4TB disks attached to a single host).

Using Bash (yes there are security issues, but it is powerful)

# for i in `seq 0 227`; do smartctl -t short /dev/da$i; sleep 15; done 1Thanks Jared

executes a short smart test on all disks. Smartctl seems to max out at 32 concurrent tests, so sleep 15 ensures the 3 minute tests are finishing before new ones are executed. If you’re in a hurry, sleep 5 should do the trick and ensure all of them execute.

to get results try something like:

# for i in `seq 0 227`; do echo "/dev/da$i"; smartctl -a /dev/da$i; sleep .5; done

Bulk Fixes

Problem with the disks – need to clear existing formatting?

unmount each disk

# for i in `seq 0 227`; do umount -f /dev/da$i; done

unlock (if needed)

# sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=0x10

Overwrite the start of each disk

# for i in `seq 0 227`; do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da$i bs=1k count=100; done

Overwrite the end of each disk

# for i in `seq 0 227`; do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da$i bs=1m oseek=`diskinfo da$i | awk '{print int($3 / (1024*1024)) - 4;}'`; done

Recreate GPT (for ZFS)

# for i in `seq 0 227`; do gpart create -s gpt /dev/da$i; sleep .5; done

Destroy multipaths

# for i in `seq 1 114`; do gmultipath destroy disk$i; done

Disable multipath completely

# for i in `seq 1 114`; do gmultipath destroy disk$i; done
# gmultipath unload
# mv /boot/kernel-debug/geom_multipath.ko /boot/kernel-debug/geom_multipath.ko.bad
# mv /boot/kernel/geom_multipath.ko /boot/kernel/geom_multipath.ko.bad


1 Thanks Jared
Posted at 12:52:56 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDHowToTechnology

A Solution for Mosh Scrollback

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 

Mosh is a pretty good tool, almost indispensable when working in places with crappy internet. While it is designed to help with situations like “LTE on the beach,” it actually works very well in places where internet connectivity is genuinely bad: 1500msec RT, latency, 30% packet loss, and frequent drops in connectivity that last seconds to hours, otherwise known as most of the world. On a good day I lose an SSH connection randomly about every 3-6 hours but I’ve only ever lost a Mosh session when my system went down.

It does a lot of things, but two are key for my use: it syncs user input in the background while local echoing what you type so you can finish your command (and correct a typo) without waiting 1500msec for the remote echo to update; and it creates persistent connections that survive drop off of almost any type except killing the terminal application on one end or the other (anything between can die and when it recovers, you catch up). This means compiles finish and you actually get the output warnings…


…some of them. Because Mosh’s one giant, glaring, painful, almost debilitating weakness is that it doesn’t support scrollback. So compared to tmux or something else that you can reconnect to after your SSH session drops, you really lose screen content, which is a PITA when ls-ing a directory. I mean, it isn’t that much of an efficiency gain to have to type “ls | less” instead of just “ls” every time you want to see a directory.

I found a solution that works for me. I also use Tmux with Mosh because Tmux will survive a dead client and working with Windows client reboots are a fact of life (I know, sad, but there are some tools I still need on windows, hopefully not for much longer).

Tmux has a facility for creating a local log file, which I then “tail -f” using a separate SSH window. If the SSH client disconnects, no loss, I can pick up the log anytime. It is just mirroring everything that the mosh terminal is doing and the scroll bar scroll back works fine. And it is a raw text file, so you can pipe the output through grep to limit what’s displayed to something of interest and review the log asynchronously as, say, a build is progressing.

Although there are some nice advantages to this, when/if Mosh supports scrollback, it’ll be far more convenient having it in the same window, but for now this is the easiest solution I could come up with.


# portmaster sysutils/tmux
# portmaster net/mosh
# ee ~/.tmux.conf
-> bind-key H pipe-pane -o "exec cat >>$HOME/'#W-tmux.log'" \; display-message 'Logging enabled to $HOME/#W-tmux.log'
-> set -g history-limit 30000
Start a Mosh session (for example with


on windows)
# tmux
# [CTRL]-b H
start SSH session (Mobaxterm or


on windows)
# tail -f csh-tmux.log
("csh" will be the name of the mosh window - so really "(MoshWindowName)-tmux.log"

You can tmux the ssh session too and still have scrollback and then just reconnect into the same tail command, which preserves the whole scrollback. If you’re on a connection like I’m on, your scrollback logfile will drop off a couple of times a day, but you won’t lose your Mosh session, and it’ll be waiting for you when you’re reminded that you need to see those security warnings from the compile that just scrolled off the Mosh screen forever.

Posted at 00:57:12 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDHowToLinuxTechnology