A very LA rental

Monday, October 6, 2008 

A mustang convertible is about the perfect LA car.  I was very amused to find it waiting in my spot at Hertz.  Alas I only had it for the day and the drive from LAX to Santa Monica doesn’t provide for much sporty driving entertainment.  Still, it’s fun.
Posted at 11:00:13 GMT-0700

Category: NeutralphotoRental carsReviews

Debate O Rama

Friday, October 3, 2008 

The debate was entertaining. Sarah was not the trainwreck we’d all hoped for after the Couric intervierws, but it had its moments.

I thought most remarkable was that she occasionally went off script and got lost.  The prep worked, but I guess they couldn’t cover every possible question.  There were moments where the Sarah we came to know and love from Couric came out.

Otherwise she filled the time trying to be cute and mugging for the camera, rolling her eyes and making cutsy expressions and spouting folksy aphorisms.

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Posted at 23:30:21 GMT-0700

Category: Uncategorized

Religulous Politics

Thursday, October 2, 2008 

The state of mind in the US is very sad, more so than typical. While there seems to a continuous and ongoing degradation of discourse, I’ve never before seen politics and statesmanship so irredeemably reduced to the level of a religious war.

Sadly… embarrassingly, it is not a phenomenon consigned to the usual right wing fundamentalist morons that dominate the airwaves with their punditry and inanity; rather the left too seems to have taken up the banner of unthinking allegiance.

Having just seen Bill Mahr’s Religulous (“lig” rhymes with “midge”) in Toronto, the idiocy of “faith” is fresh in my mind. Not that I’ve ever doubted that “faith” is the sad abandonment of reason, but Bill’s entertaining movie makes amusing and thoughtful light of the many entertaining flavors of absurd that are the world’s religions.

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Posted at 18:26:19 GMT-0700

Category: photoPoliticsPositiveReviews